7 Things You Need to Know Before You Start Playing The Guitar

It’s a great way to have fun with your guitar! You can play your favorite songs, impress family and friends, and have a great time. It sounds great, right?

Before you go crazy with all the fun stuff, I want to tell you a few things.

Too many people let their enthusiasm for playing guitar fade as the years pass. It collects dust in the corner and then moves to the closet before finally being sold at a garage sale.

That is not what I want.

This is why I wrote this informative article. These 7 essential things will help you get the guitar skills you desire.

Let’s go!

1. It’s a marathon, not a sprint

Your first guitar is yours and you play it for hours. Then the next day, you’re back with it again. It’s something we’ve all experienced.

However, no one can master the guitar in a month. I don’t mean to make you feel bad. It’s great that you have a lot of fun with your guitar. Your success will depend on your ability to see the big picture.

You don’t have to give up on learning the guitar after you play for a month.

You realize that it takes time to learn, even after six months. So you continue honing your skills and drawing inspiration from what you’ve already learned.

This will keep you motivated and positive throughout your learning process of the guitar.

2. The Best Habit is a Habit.

Different habits make up our lives. We brush our teeth every morning (hopefully), brew coffee in the morning, and go to the gym after work.

This is the trick: you need to do the exact same thing with guitar playing. If practicing every day is a natural part of our lives, then we’re onto something special.

This is a good idea: Keep your guitar visible and practice 15 minutes every day. Reward yourself once in a while for practicing.

You can easily play for more than 15 minutes per day, but this is a good starting point. You will develop serious skill if you keep at it for many years.

Bonus tip: Start with 15 minutes per day, and increase it every 2 weeks. The results will multiply like mad!

3. The Most Misunderstood Sentences in Guitar History

Many variations of these …”I practiced eight hours each day”, “I locked my doors and practiced hours every single day “…etc.

Many people think the longest practice is the most important thing. It’s certainly important, don’t get me wrong. You know what’s even more important?

Consistently practicing. Daily practice is what we should be focusing on. This is especially important when you are just starting out. Every day, not how many hours you spend practicing is the main focus.

Noting: If you are serious about mastering the guitar, you should practice as much as possible, but make sure you do it consistently. Your practice may be worthless if you only practice for four hours and then stop practicing for a few weeks.

4. Teachers are not a must, but they can help a lot

Get a teacher if you want to learn quickly. You can also invest in your education. This will make the process much faster and help you to get things done right.

You can also learn this skill yourself if you are looking to save money, or if you just want to enjoy a hobby as a casual DIY hobby. It will take longer and you’ll make more mistakes along the way.

Tip: Want to learn how to play guitar for free? Get started fast and free!

5. The Guitar Matters

While I don’t recommend you spend a lot on your first guitar (or any other instrument), there are some things you might want to consider.

1. You should buy a guitar that lets you play the music you love

The electric guitar is the best choice if you like rock music. If country music is your thing, the Dreadnought Acoustic guitar is a great option. You can choose a nylon-stringed (classical) guitar if you like flamenco or classical music.

You will have more fun playing the music you love if you have a guitar.

2. Get the best guitar that you can afford. Get the best guitar you can afford. Keep in mind that the most expensive products may not be the best long-term. You might find yourself replacing them with better/newer models.

Bonus tip: The Guitar buying guide can help you out!

6. Warm up is a gamechanger

Warm-up is important when muscles are involved. Your hands contain more than 30 muscles.

Warm up a bit if you don’t want to feel frustrated and slow because your fingers aren’t getting the job done. Warm up for at least two minutes. This video reveals some useful warm-up exercises.

7. Do what you love

Music was what kept me going when I started out. I was able to learn some of my favourite songs on a guitar. It was great fun! I practiced a lot.

Learn the theory and technique you need to make rapid progress.

Play the music that you love. Music will keep you playing for many years. You will become a master at playing the guitar!



These are the things I wish someone had said to me when I first started playing the guitar in 2009. Instead, I banged my head against a wall too often and stopped playing for almost 3 years.

This knowledge is yours, fortunately.

It’s a marathon. Choose a guitar that lets you play your favorite songs, and practice every day. Before you start playing, warm up. These tips will help you get started on your guitar journey.

Have fun, my friend!

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