How to add YOUR music to Instagram reels & go viral

How to Promote Your Music on Instagram Reels

As with every new feature that Instagram releases, Reels are taking up more and greater portions of the app’s overall view-scape and Discover pages, and the algorithm is the key to this. Instagram has its in-app marketing. This means that Reels will continue to be the most popular content on the app for the foreseeable future or until a bigger or better development occurs.

What are Instagram Reels?

Reels are a short video content feature similar to IG Stories. Reels can be displayed vertically or in portrait with a 9.16 aspect ratio. They are between 15 and 30 seconds in length.

After you upload a reel to Instagram, it will be visible in the designated section of your profile called ‘Reels.

You can post a Reel in this section. However, you can also share your Reels to the main feed as Stories and other places outside the app (such as on social media channels).

Why should you use Instagram Reels?

Reels have built-in viral potential. This is one of the greatest things about them.

They are designed to be filtered out and picked up by various audiences and virtual communities. Although Instagram initially shows your Reel only to a few people (typically only your followers), once people start reacting to it, it will show it to more people and continue growing.

Instagram Reels For Musicians: Tips and Tricks

Set up a cover or the thumbnail photo

Instagram allows you to choose your thumbnail image as the cover image for every Reel you post. This image will appear on your profile (as well as on your main feed) in the designated “Reels” section.

Your thumbnail image could differentiate between someone viewing your video and skipping it. Your cover image should reflect the best possible version of your Reel to get people to click on it and watch it.

Text, stickers, filters and text can be added.

Instagram allows you to add text or captions to Reel videos, much like TikTok. However, Instagram video content is different from TikTok. Users can pause and mute audio natively on Instagram. This means captions are very important.

Do not forget to tell viewers that their sound is off.

Your video content might be just as effective if it’s trying to convey a message or an idea.

Use hashtags

Hashtags are the best way to ensure your Reels are picked up by Instagram’s algorithm (shudder, x2)

If you wish to include more characters than the Reel allows, you can add them to a separate comment.

You have a better chance of seeing your video by the right people if you use hashtags correctly. This can result in more interaction, engagement, and possibly new fans and followers.

Explore the archives

You don’t have to feature all-new content on your Reels. You can reuse footage and content from past Stories, social media posts, or music videos.

Do not be afraid to dig through your archives and find content from different periods of your artistic journey.

Be content to entertain.

Fun and entertaining content are what makes Reels stand out on Instagram. When crafting your Reel, make sure it fits into both categories.

Start by looking at the reels of other content creators. Next, get creative with these ideas and figure out how to create your content uniquely and differently.

Post when it is convenient

The timing of posting a reel is largely determined by 2 factors: your audience and your schedule.

It doesn’t matter how often you post, and the most important thing is to be consistent. People value high-quality content over quantity. Don’t try to post 50 times per week with below-average Reels. You won’t get the attention or see them as often as you would like.

Now that you have the complete Reels overview, it is time to go online and create some viral content for your music. Have fun.


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