Timeline for your music release

A band will reach a milestone when it releases an album/EP/single or goes on tour. This moment signifies that you have “made it” even more. Preparation is more important than the actual recording or performing. Planning is key to a successful release of music and tour. It can make or break an important milestone in your career. Before you embark on these endeavours, it is important to plan for at least three months.

STEP ONE: 12 Weeks Prior

Get your entire team on the same page!

Things don’t go smoothly in a group environment like any other. Artists and their teams should be on the same page! Each endeavour should have a clear goal or expectation. Everyone in your team must share this vision. This includes not only the band but also managers, booking agents and promoters, labels, and any other people involved in the creative or physical process. Talk about what you want to accomplish with as many people as possible and ask for their feedback. Together, you will create a realistic timeline and plan.

STEP TWO: 11 – 9 Weeks Prior

Prep & Finalize Your Assets!

This step is vital! ( This is why we call them “assets”. You must make sure your brand is current before promoting a tour or an album. This includes your artwork, EPK and website as well as social media. These items should be ready to go and align with your current project. It’s not easy, and it’s not very sexy. But it is important to act and look professional if people want to respect you in the industry.

DO NOT FORGET: Give yourself plenty of time to design and deliver these items, especially if your goal is to produce physical items such as posters, CD/cassette/vinyl packaging, etc. ).

STEP THREE: 8 – 2 Weeks Prior

Talk to the Media!

Ah, the media. Our friend and sometimes our worst enemy. This stage is something we all fear. But if you want people to know what you are up to, it pays for you to be organized and thorough. Many DIY musos skip this step. But why? Maybe they didn’t get the response they expected from the person they reached, or they weren’t able to see the results they desired. These tips will make the process as easy as possible.

STEP 4: 6 Weeks Prior – Event Week

Scream it from the rooftops

Now we are at the most exciting stage – promoting your project! The people need to be informed, regardless of whether you are releasing an album or going on tour. We live in a digital age, thanks to all technological advancements over the years. Therefore, our online presence is as important as our physical. Artists have many options for promoting their projects. It would help if you used as many as you could. Although social media may seem simple, it is not easy to use properly. It would help if you created a marketing plan that clearly outlines your campaign’s what, where, and how.


You’ll have the best chance of success if you follow an organized and thoughtful plan before releasing an album or going on tour. Keep in mind that the Music Industry can be a business. So, for the three months, you plan, make sure to put your business hat on. You still have plenty of time to become a rockstar!

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